Covid and invasive sinonasal fungal disease.

Covid and invasive sinonasal fungal disease.

10 Dec 2020

There is a definite surge in the incidence of invasive fungal infections such as mucor during the covid pandemic. During the course of covid treatment with antibiotics and steroids there can be a flare up of pre-existing fungal disease which manifests in the form of rhino-cerebral mucormycosis.

This is a life-threatening condition   which presents initially in the form of facial/ cheek swelling which progresses to swelling around the eye with blackish discolouration. Left undiagnosed or untreated , it rapidly progresses to visual loss, strokes or even death in a matter for 3 to 5 days.

 This condition needs immediate diagnosis and expeditious management in the form of tissue debridement and high dose injectable antifungal agents.

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